Taking Care Of Your Bandage Pieces



This should be your go to method to clean your Bandage pieces. It can get pricey , but its the best way to assure the quality to be retained . Make sure your dry cleaner is familiar with Bandage / Rayon fabrics and materials . ***Sometimes, the dry-cleaner will clean the dress with high heat and actually set a stain permanently, rather than remove stains. Some bandage dresses have special finishes, and dry cleaning can ruin them.



  1. Don't just throw it in the washing machine and wash as usual or with other pieces of clothing from different materials. Using regular washing cycles , will thin out the fabric. Use the gentlest cycle selection with cold water .If your machine has a hand washing cycle , perfect! Use that one ! 
  2. After washing No need to wring/twist the water . Rayon dominant fabrics are weaker when wet. Which means you don't want to put additional pressures on the fibers of the material as it may not returned to its shape when dry.
  3. Last but not least , drying . LAY TO DRY ALWAYS!  So please DON'T use a machine dryer after washing ! Its best to lay the dress down on a couple thick towels or clothing rack.  Feel free to rotate and change towels until the fabric is damp.
  4. To dry with Iron :  Keep on a low heat , and iron the item inside out, as to not get any stains. Keep a damp cloth between the item and the iron until dry. 


Hope this helps ! 



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