Ambassador / Influencer Sign-Up FAQ

Love our clothes? Want to work with us?! Awesome! 😎 At this time, we are looking for a 2-4 brand ambassadors to represent ShopRbls! Here’s the deets to become part of the ShobRbls Squad!
🖤 Summery Of Requirements:
- At least 17 years old minimum or 18 in the states/countries where it is required.
- Own social media accounts NO EXCEPTIONS:
- Minimum 2 social media platform accounts: Instagram , TikTok , Youtube, Tumblr , Twitter , Facebook , Snapchat. Must have instagram , plus any other platform listed.
- Minimum follower count on instagram : 3000.
- Fashionable feed which reflects your personal yet trendy sense of style
- US and territories ONLY (Please check back for when other countries are open for submission)
🖤 How to submit your details:
- Fill out the ambassador form! Here
- Wait for the email confirming you’ve been selected
- Sign your ambassador contract
- Receive your affiliate code, commission rate and select your pieces for your first promotion!
🖤 Promo Perks!
- Free clothing on your first two promotions with ShopRbls!
- Personal coupon code to share to your followers and to earn a percentage of each sale received with your code ( Before taxes & shipping) .
- Discount off on your own purchases!
For complete details on Terms and Compensation details please visit the Brand Ambassador Legal Terms & Conditions page . Let us know if you have any questions/comments and suggestions! Thank you for wanting to work with us!
🖤 Rbl Babe
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